SkillSource has been designing, developing and reviewing apprenticeship programs and standards in collaboration with key industry stakeholders since 2007. Over the years, we have conducted extensive industry interviews and consultation sessions to identify the needs of various stakeholders including industry associations, employers, labour groups, training providers, and regulators to ensure programs align with Red Seal standards (where applicable) and are responsive to industry’s requirements. We have developed program profiles, program outlines, tables of specification, examination banks, logbooks and practical assessments.

To support apprenticeship programs and standards, we also design and develop instructional materials, both for the classroom and the workplace. We begin by conducting a needs assessment to determine the needs of the learning event, including what the learner should know and be able to do as a result of the training or learning solution, and what the learners already know and can do. We create the course design and develop all instructional materials, including presentation materials, participant guides, handouts, and job aids or other materials. We also evaluate training, including assessing what was learned and whether the learning solution led to measurable behavior change.